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Juraj Hamulak

Of Counsel

Juraj is a professor at the Department of Labour Law and Social Security Law at the Faculty of Law, Comenius University, Bratislava. Leveraging his extensive expertise, he serves as the CREDIS Law primary expert in labour law. His proficiency spans various aspects of employment law, including labour disputes, trade unions, and collective bargaining. Juraj devotes his particular expertise to addressing the nuanced needs of corporate clients, with a strong emphasis on servicing the complex requirements of large employers. His role encompasses imparting knowledge within academia and extends into practice, where his contributions significantly aid in navigating the complexities of contemporary employment law. This benefits stakeholders in both the business environment and the public administration and civil service.

Areas of Legal Expertise

Employment Relations, Trade Unions & Collective Bargaining

Litigation and Disputes



Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava


Doctor of Law degree (JUDr.), Comenius University in Bratislava


Dissertation in Constitutional Law (PhD.)


Habilitation in Labour Law (Associate Professor), University of Trnava


Appointed by the President of the Slovak Republic as a University Professor in Labour Law



Slovak Bar Association




  • – Hamuľák, Juraj – Rak, Pavol: Osoby so zdravotným postihnutím z hľadiska pracovného práva In. Sociálna ochrana osôb so zdravotným postihnutím v pracovnom práve a práve sociálneho zabezpečenia [elektronický dokument]. – : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-80-7160-659-8. – Bratislava : Právnická fakulta UK, 2022. – S. 7-50 [3,15 AH] [online]
  • Pagáč, Ľubomír – Števček, Marek – Cenkner, Michal – Hamuľák, Juraj – Nováková, Mária: Spory s ochranou slabšej strany tretia časť ; druhá hlava, In. Civilný sporový poriadok : komentár. – : 2. aktual. vyd. ISBN 978-80-7400-909-9. – Praha : C.H. Beck, 2022. – S. 1139-1224
  • Hamuľák, Juraj: Právne vzťahy pri zabezpečovaní práva na prácu. Služby zamestnanosti, In. Slovenské pracovné právo. – : 1. vyd. ISBN 978-80-89710-48-5. – Bratislava : Sprint 2, 2019. – S. 183-224 ((Juristika ; ))
  • – Hamuľák, Juraj [UKOPAPR] (34%) – Freel, Lenka [UKOPAPR] (33%) – Nevická, Denisa [UKOPAPR] (33%): The comparative analysis of women s status in labor relations in modern Slovakia and the Czech Republic [elektronický dokument] In: Danube [elektronický dokument]. – Roč. 11, č. 3 (2020), s. 214-227 [print]. – ISSN (print) 1804-6746 URL: https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/danb /11/3/article-p214.xml
  • – Denisa Homola Nevická, Juraj Hamuľák: The work-life balance in the EU – has Slovakia become a second Sweden? In. The Lawyer Quarterly [elektronický dokument]. – Roč. 13, č. 4 (2023), s. 381-387 [print], ISSN (print) 1805-8396 ISSN (online) 1805-840X